Elmers Petoskey / Traverse City
This website is devoted to gravel pit’s and Elmer’s in Petoskey and Traverse City Michigan.
Elmer’s Applies for Petoskey Gravel Pit
Elmer’s Crane and Dozer is seeking to to create a Petoskey Gravel Pit in Emmet County, Case PSUP17-014. Elmer’s Crane and Dozer is based out of Traverse City, Michigan. Steve Crane from Elmer’s has applied for a Special Use Permit-Level III Resource extraction operation, 4281 Pickerel Lake Rd, Section 26, Bear Creek Township. The site has single-family residential and farm/forest zoning. This gravel pit is in Petoskey, Michigan.

Does this affect me?
If you live on or near the following roads you will be impacted by this gravel pit:
- Pickerel Lake Road
- Kolinski
- Fletcher
- Country Club
- Mitchell
- Alcan
- Bellmer
- Graham
What is the economic impact for me?
The Petoskey gravel pit proposed by Elmer’s out of Traverse City, will have a significant impact on many residents. In 2006 an Economic Impact Study was performed on Richland Township, Michigan by Upjohn Institute. The study concluded that a gravel pit has significant impact on property value. Please review the Upjohn study located under resources.
Distance from Gravel Pit
Property Percent Reduction
0 – 0.5 Miles |
20 – 35% |
0.5 Miles |
20% |
1 Mile |
14.5% |
2 Miles |
8.9% |
3 Miles |
4.9% |

This well known study shows economic impact within 3 miles. Look at the picture below and see if this may affect your property value.

Why should we trust this Upjohn study and/or why is it so significant?
- We suggest you read the following resource: US Senator uses Upjohn study for Campbell County. This is correspondence between United States Senator Jim Webb and David Laurell of Campbell County.
- As part of the application process Campbell County submitted an economic impact study and agreed with the analysis in that Campbell County will get very little in return.
- Precedence has been set with this Economic Impact Study
- The W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research is an internationally-recognized independent, non-profit economic research organization established in 1945 for the sole purpose of conducting research into the causes and effects of unemployment and measures for the alleviation of unemployment.
- For the past 20 years the W.E. Upjohn institute has maintained a strong research focus on west Michigan.
- George Erickcek was the lead researcher for this study. He received his Master of Economics at the University of Pittsburgh and has been with the institute since 1987.
- George has prepared numerous economic impact, benchmarking, and forecasting studies for the west Michigan region, and has conducted research on the national and international level.
- Professor Diane Hite, an economist is widely known for her research in property value impact analysis.
- We would like to see the Economic impact study for this project so that we can better determine the Public Costs vs Public Benefit.
The Michigan Zoning Enabling Act 125.3205 applies to extraction.
- Elmers has proposed crushing and grinding
- Elmers has proposed processing other materials
- Elmers has said they plan to bring in foreign materials such as concrete and asphalt
- Elmers has said they plan to bury material at this location, it is unknown what types of material this may include
I thought the township voted this down.
- Bear Creek Township voted this special use permit down, ultimately this means nothing
- Emmet County resides over Bear Creek and the decision will be made by the Emmet County Planning Commission. The Emmet County Planning Commission meets the first Thursday of each month at 7:30PM at the Emmet County Building.
Who makes this decision?
- John Eby, Chairperson
- Thomas Urman, Vice-Chair
- James Scott, Secretary
- Toni Drier
- David Laughbaum
- Kelly Alexander
- Steve Neal
- Jonathan Scheel
- Betsy White
What are the environmental impacts from gravel pits?
- Potential impairment of water quality on the site, including harm to the aquifer
- The water quality of residential wells close by could be harmed (Take a look at the other gravel pit on Pickerel Lake that turned from a puddle into a small lake).
- Potential harm to on-site and off-site wetlands (This property has three wetlands)
- Classification: R5UBFx Wetland Type: Riverine
- Classification: PFO4C Wetland Type: Freshwater Forested/Shrub Wetland
- Classification: PSS4C Wetland Type: Freshwater Forested/Shrub Wetland
- Loss of habitat for local bird and wildlife populations
What is the impact on public safety?
- Pickerel Lake has had a fatality right in front of the proposed gravel pit location in the past few years
- Accidents and death involving gravel trucks
- Gravel truck spills of stones and gravel on roads
- Dust affecting health. There is irrefutable medical evidence confirming the health hazards of crystalline silica and the small particulate matter contained in gravel pit dust. This is a very windy area and the small particles will travel a great distance.
- Speeding trucks through residential areas
What is the impact on water?
- Extraction of sand & gravel below the established water table = water reduction & pollution
- Reduction in or fear of future loss of well water
- Well water flow reversal causing well output losses
- Reduction in groundwater / aquifer quantity and quality
What are the hours of operation?
- Elmers has proposed Monday thru Friday 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM. Saturday 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM. The gravel pit will run 6 days a week.
What are the expected traffic volumes?
- Elmers has said the site plan application calls for 50 trips per day.
- This means 50 trucks coming in, and 50 trucks going out for a total of 100 trucks passing over our residential roads per day.
Absence of Economic Justification
- Elmers is currently using gravel from other local gravel pits
- We would like to see a thorough and objective analysis of the Net Economic Impact. Including the decrease in tax revenue from all of the homes impacted by the reduction in house value. The cost in maintaining the roads from these large semi’s must also be taken in consideration.
- We would like to see the same Economic Impact studies as were completed for Richland Township and Campbell County
What are The Proposed Routes
All Routes

South/West Traffic Map
Outgoing Traffic Map – South/West: Pickerel Lake Road east to Fletcher Road; south to Country Club Road; west to Alcan Drive; South to Mitchell Street

North Traffic Map
Outgoing Traffic Map – Pickerel Lake Road east to Bellmer Road; north to Graham Road; west to US31

Emmet County Vision Statement
- Emmet County is a place where natural beauty and prosperity harmonize in a desirable and sustainable community. The County appeals to both year-round and seasonal resort residents, maintaining its reputation as a world-class resort and tourist destination. Emmet County land development is guided to complement and enhance the natural beauty and landscape for which it is famous. Parks and open spaces abound, and wildlife populations are visible and healthy. Emmet County offers outstanding opportunities to the outdoor enthusiast for camping, biking, hunting, fishing, and other outdoor recreation. The abundance of clean air and water add to the beautiful scenery, promoting a sense of pride and belonging.
- Does this project fit into the Emmet County Vision?
Will I hear the noise?
- Gravel trucks create noise pollution from the site machinery, crushers and truck travel. Listen below to the safety noise that is equipped on most gravel trucks.